Professional Standards
Complying with the high standards of the global maritime domain Al Safina Security is a credible partner in security services provision.
Our specialists understand the security industry and make sure credible services are delivered basing on the mutual reliance, supporting responsibilities required by all parties to ensure effective services will be provided. Being ISO/PAS 9001:2008, ISO/PAS 28007:2013 & ISO/PAS 28007-1:2015 accredited guarantees our clients efficient services to be delivered through effective risk management following and adhering the regulative norms developed by the industry.
A set up framework of Maritime International regulations and standards collectively followed by the Company ensures the system Integrity and trust.
Having an accurate picture of the threat in the HRA we provide our clients with the real image of the risk assessment and offer exclusive security solutions basing on the regulatory and legislative components, counting all the factors evolved during the analysis, thoroughly following the IMO recommendations and guidance in order to ensure the integrity of the overall management system in complex.
High level of expertise in the relevant security fields of our specialists increases the criteria and professional standards of our Company.
It covers the full breadth of operations – from strategic planning and understanding of the sector, through the selection and vetting of personnel out to physical delivery and support to the Master and the crew. Ensuring of the maritime safety by Implementation of the above enumerated measures we help our clients to feel safe and protected.
We believe in importance of the collective commitments to the common goal.
Quick deployment and mobilisation of our team with the 24/7 Operational Department support shows the completeness of the working model set up. It is imperative to develop best practices for managing and sustaining a competitive teamwork. Only with the ability to work together toward a common vision we can achieve synergistic solutions.
Regulative development
Following the ISPS Code to implement appropriate security measures in each particular case for our clients and developing of the ship security plan (SSP) based on security assessments we fully comply with IMO standards and international measures contained in the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) to make sure those guidance are maintained. Ensuring of the maritime safety by Implementation of the above enumerated measures we help our clients to feel safe and protected.
Grievance Mechanism Procedure
• ALSS will investigate allegations promptly, impartially and with due consideration to confidentiality.
• ALSS will keep copies of documents generated as a result of the complaint and record of any action taken. Except where prohibited or protected by applicable law, the finding of the complaint will be made available to a Competent Authority or request .
• ALSS will co-operate with any official investigations.
• ALSS will take appropriate disciplinary action in the case of finding such a violation or unlawful behaviour
• ALSS will ensure that any personnel working for the Company who makes a complaint is protected from ant reprisals.
• This Policy does not confer any contractual rights
• All complaints should be made in writing directly to the Company
• Complaints should be made within six months of the Complainant becoming aware of the grounds for complaint.
• Complaints can be sent via email to [email protected] or via our form in our site
• Any complaint should include: Contact details of the Complainant (including postal and email address). The subject of the complaint. Information and evidence regarding the alleged breachs of the ICOC.
• ALSS will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within ten working days and advise who will be responsible for dealing with the complaint.
• Anonymous complaints (complaints of a certain seriousness.) will be investigated where possible and may be acted upon at the Company’s discretion
• ΑLSS is committed to ensuring that all complaints are investigated fully and impartially and with due consideration for confidentiality
• The Company will not reimburse any fees, expenses or cost involved in bringing a Complaint
• Nothing in this policy should be interpreted to restrict any rights of redress the complainant has in law
• The findings of the Arbitrators and their ruling along with actions taken by the Company will be made available to the Complainant
• ALSS is committed to ensuring that all complaints(complaints of a certain seriousness). are investigated fully and impartially and with due consideration for confidentiality
• Alss will conduct and internal investigation within two months of receipt of the allegation and refer the evidence of the Complainant and the Company to and independently appointed panel of three lawyers who are registered with the International Association of Arbitrators. (Complaints of a certain seriousness.)
• ALSS encourages its employees, service providers, clients, partners and any other third parties to report any potential breach of its Code of Ethics as well as any breach of the law.
• An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent for all reports submitted. Reports will be examined by the Compliance Office, which will do everything possible to maintain confidentiality and prevent any act of reprisal. However, in certain situations, others may need to be informed about all or some aspects of the potential breach of ICOC reported so that the necessary investigations can be carried out.
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” –Henry Ford